Supported Versions

Web App

We support the following versions to provide highest possible security and innovative features and functionality. Other browsers maybe supported on special requests. We do not officially support browsers on mobile devices and tablets - we recommend to use the Mobile App on these devices.

Supported Browsers:

  • Chrome: Version 113, 114
  • Safari: Version 15, 16
  • Firefox: Version 112, 113
  • Edge: Version 113, 114

Browser extension

We support the following versions to provide highest possible security and innovative features and functionality. Other browsers maybe supported on special requests. We do not officially support browsers on mobile devices and tablets - we recommend to use the Mobile App on these devices.

Supported Browsers:

  • Chrome: Version 113, 114
  • Firefox: Version 112, 113
  • Edge: Version 113, 114


Mobile app

DSwiss does not support browsers on mobile devices such as smart phones, tablets etc. The software most probably works on these browsers and devices but there may be some responsive design problems or feature drawbacks, which can be fixed on change requests and special agreements.

Supported operating systems:

  • Android: Version 11, 12, 13
  • iOS: Version 15, 16

It's not possible, that DSwiss guarantees the functioning of all combinations of OS versions with all available devices. Therefore DSwiss concentrates to a few top most sold devices. DSwiss defines these devices half-yearly based on feedback from its B2C market and some market studies.other specific devices can be supported on special agreements.

Currently DSwiss performs testing on the following devices:

  • Android: Samsung Galaxy S7, S8, S9
  • iOS: iPhone 11, 12 & iPad Pro 12.9 inch

Desktop App

Supported operating systems:

  • Windows: 10, 11
  • macOS: 13 Ventura, 14 Sonoma


Last update: 19.12.2023