Help shape what digitalization and e-government mean

Optimize processes and protect digital valuables: From shared file and password managers to electronic post boxes and exchange platforms.

Digitize the public sector with the password manager and secure file exchange platform from DSwiss
Digitize your processes like our partners
SecureSafe generates strong passwords automatically and with Team Safe you can easily manage and share them in a team
Efficient password management for security and continuity

Using the same passwords and weak password combinations is not only problematic, but unfortunately also widespread. The SecureSafe password manager helps you to avoid these problems by automatically generating strong passwords for you and storing them securely.

With a Team Safe, you can manage and display your passwords and easily share them with your team. This allows you to protect your digital valuables and at the same time ensure business continuity in the event of employee absences or damaged devices.

Central file manager for stress-free saving

SecureSafe not only helps you to manage your passwords centrally, but also enables you to store sensitive and important files in a highly secure environment. With the integrated file manager, you can access images, videos, documents and other formats on the most common devices and at any time.

With the SecureSend function, you can also send encrypted files of up to 2 GB to recipients of your choice.

SecureSafe offers centralized management and a highly secure environment to encrypt and transfer your files.
DSwiss offers a digital mailbox and SecureExchange for the trustworthy exchange of sensitive and important documents
Deliver and request important documents

With our digital postbox or the SecureExchange extension, you can establish trustworthy and, above all, secure communication with your target groups. Our Postbox meets all the requirements of the strict European and Swiss data protection legislation in order to be considered legally compliant for the delivery of important and sensitive documents.

SecureExchange opens up further usage options, as it allows you to securely request personalized documents.

Digitalization Swissmade: Paperless and highly secure

SecureSafe, SecureExchange and our mailboxes are based on ISO 27001 standards. We encrypt each of your documents individually and protect your privacy with our zero-knowledge principle.

All your files and documents are stored in three different data centers and have multiple layers of security. These are located in high-security locations in Switzerland in order to meet the highest security requirements.

Files are stored in three high-security data centers in Switzerland based on the zero knowledge principle

Were we able to pique your interest?

Digitization is a process. It starts with you. We look forward to advising you on the selection of a suitable offer.

If you are already a customer and require technical support, we kindly ask you to contact our Help Center where you can contact our support team directly for a faster response.